Sunday, 1 May 2011


Today it May Day, or Beltane to the Celts - the festival to welcome the beginning of Summertime. Traditionally Beltane was a festival of fire - to purify, cleanse and bless the new cycle of life. I'm welcoming in the Summer with music. The legendary Capercaillie playing "At Dawn of Day" set to some very nice photos of the Highlands in Summer. (I'd really love to do something like this with my own photos)

Happy May Day and Blessed Beltane wishes to you!


  1. Have a beautiful Beltane, Michelle!
    (the word verification is "hexie", lol!

  2. Thank you Michelle, happy Beltaine to you too!

  3. Hayden
    Thanks. (chuckling at that word verification too. :-D )

    Hi Jacqui
    Thank you! :-)

  4. Loved the music! And the photos. I want to go now so badly. You really should do this with your photos too :)

  5. Tint
    I want to and am trying to sort them into categories, but I'm trying to get my poems onto YouTube first... which is proving slooow work as I'm chewing over how/what as I plod along.

    I'm so mad I never took more photos in Africa. All our family photos are of people - birthdays, Christmas, etc. No scenery. :-(



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