Sunday, 25 December 2011

Christmas Blessing

This year I have written and decorated my blog for each Advent sunday before Christmas. It seemed fitting to carry on the "theme" and end with a Christmas blessing...

Our path has grown brighter as we lit each Advent candle,

Each candle a blessing to light our way. 

One candle in Hope... 

for hope is the light
that can break through the deepest darkness. 

Two candles for Peace... 

for Peace is the only path 
that humanity can walk together upon. 

Three candles for Joy... 

for Joy is the blessing of friendship and sharing - 
the fellowship of travellers on the road. 

Four candles in Love... 

for Love is what makes life worth living. 

These four have brought us to this day 
and to this promise... 

That the birth of a child 
will always bring hope and joy 
and that light, whether star or candle, 
can guide our way and bring us all 
to peace and love.


  1. Lovely post, Michelle. Merry Christmas to you and yours! :)

  2. sweet post , Merry Christmas and have a fabulous Peace filled New Year.

  3. Thank you, Daisy and Terica

    love, hugs and BEST wishes to you both.

    x x



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