Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Last weekend hubby's sister invited us out for lunch on Sunday. We met up at a local shop where we had a very nice lunch of some yummy cheese and leek soup served with home-made bread. We had a long chat through, and an even longer browse round the shop, before moving on to another nice shop where we bumped into some other family and ended up having another long chat and coffee and cake. It was a very nice afternoon. :-)

When we were leaving hubby and I went to wait outside while his sister bought some Christmas gifts. I took some photos of the window displays, they were so pretty and so sparkly! :-) You can see larger versions by clicking on them.

I love all the golds in this window...

The sun was setting (around 3:30pm this time of the year) and I could see the sunset reflections in the shop windows, and the trees of the woodland on the other side of the road. It was so pretty that I used these two photos to create my December Banner...


1 comment:

  1. OOOHHHH...SPARKLIESSSSSSS!!! THANKS for sharing the set of pics, M! They make me feel nostalgic, dunno why he he...



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