Saturday, 31 December 2011

Christmas photos

I took a few photos over Christmas and thought I'd share some. We decorated the tree with crystal and gold ornaments this year. The crystal figurines (like the swan) were bought in Africa. The icicles and stars I bought here in Scotland.

 They looked wonderful with the coloured lights!


 Dad had the great idea of putting the TV onto a fireplace scene for this photo I took On Christmas Eve.

 'Albert' was already up in bed waiting for Santa...

Albert came to me on a day I'd been to the doctors. He was kind of lost... someone had dumped in between shampoo bottles at the supermarket and hubby said we should rescue him. So we bought him. :-) He's sitting on our bed on a gift I got from Amel - my beautiful winter fleece! I think Albert looks stunning on it, don't you? ;-)

...and a photo of Prancer. Isn't he lovely? I found him in a charity shop. He was still in the box. The candle next to him was a gift from another friend. I have great friends. :-D

The joy of having hands that don't work - everyone else has to do what you tell them. *grin* Actually... everyone was wonderful in helping. Christmas lunch was perfect. Here hubby's getting the veggies ready (glazed gammon to his left!) and dad's on wash-up duty.

Dad decorated the table too...

We open the gifts in the afternoon, after lunch.

And here I am taking a photo of... me. LOL

See you all next year! ;-)


  1. Lovely photos, Michelle! Happy New Year to you! :)

  2. I LOVE the look great and fresh and festive, M! :-D I've never seen any icicle as a Christmas tree decor. COOL!!!

    Happy New Yeaaarrrrrr!!!! I'm excited about this year! :-D

  3. LLLW
    It was a lovely day. :-) Happy new year to you. x

    thank you and same wishes back! :-)

    Hi Amel
    I have holly earrings with tiny bells on, but you can't really see them. They jungle very nicely.:-))

    I wish I'd bought more icicles, they are so pretty. They're plastic, but look like glass. I don't mind - I prefer ornamants I can't break. I can be clumsy! ;-)

    and HAPPY NEW YEAr to you too!

  4. Beautiful photos! The part about hubby wanting to rescue the stuffed animal made me laugh.

    Oh, now I'm hungry too...

  5. thanks Mimi
    He made me laugh too, when we just had to rescue Albert (named by huggy too, I might add! lol)



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