Thursday, 1 January 2009

COLDER - part 2

These are the photos my husband, Sandy, took in the park.
I think this one of the tree avenue is gorgeous.
St Leonard's Church in Forres.
The Mosset Tavern (left) and the Mosset Burn, iced up. This little park is full of ducks in summer. For those who don't know - a "burn" is a stream in Scotland.
On the way home - Roseisle forest with gorse and broom bushes in front.
Me, plotting my next photo. ;-)
Another walk through the forest.
A really pretty tree.


  1. Oh, my, that photo of Roseisle forest makes my heart skip, it's GORGEOUS! How I'd love to experience a bit of this kind of cold and ice. I don't know how you stand to live in such a cold climate, but I would certainly love to experience it for a little while. Simply breathtaking.

  2. Wow! The beech tree at the top is what makes me sigh with a deep longing.

  3. Genie
    I know exactly what you mean. It looks to magical and inviting. :-)

    Hey Mouse! :-D
    I don't think I'll ever get over how beautiful and BIG the trees are here.

  4. Both sets of winter photos are BEAUTIFUL but they make me shiver just looking at them.
    Hugs and blessings,

  5. LOVE all the pics. My fave is the avenue and the one with you on the pic. The one with you on the pic ---> you're really in contrast with your white surroundings. GORGEOUS!!!!

  6. Amazing! It looks frosty but nice. And you're all wrapped up nice and warm :-)

  7. I grew up in New England, in the states, and even though it was really dangerous, and power would go out, I loved looking at everything covered in ice. Especially in the woods. Beautiful.



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