Saturday, 24 January 2009

Seeing Sunshine


This is for Daisy of Dancing with Daisy. She's a blogger guaranteed to leave you feeling smiley.
Which is kind of appropriate for a "daisy", since the name means "day's eye" - a little scrap of sun surrounded by petals. That's exactly how I see you, as a blogger who always manages to make her readers' day brighter.


  1. Michelle, thank you so much. Now you have made MY day! :D I appreciate your very kind words, and I'm glad to have you as a friend.

  2. And who better to publicize you book but a librarian?

    Daisy's good people.

  3. Oh gosh, I forgot Daisy was a librarian. Yes, that is all the better. :-)

    Daisy is good people - and so are you, Cliff.

  4. Aw shucks, Wixy and Michelle, thanks! :)



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