Saturday, 5 May 2012

Beside the Seaside

On Thursday we went to vote and on the way home we stopped at the beachfront. The sun was so bright, I had to take some photos. I've also made three of them into my banner photo for May.

The sea was out so far... you can barely see the man, walking with his dog, in this photo. 

There's a caravan park on the far left...

...and a harbour at the far right.

The sea was so sparkly!

It was a beautiful day. :-)


  1. WOWWWW!!! Looks SO warm out there already. Here it hasn't even gone up to 10'C yet! But so much snow has melted already! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your header! :-D

  2. nice blogs i like it



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