Friday, 1 June 2007

The House Made of Dawn

A Navajo prayer for good health and blessing..

In the house made of dawn,
In the house made of evening twilight,
In the house made of dark cloud,
In the house made of male rain,
In the house made of dark mist,
In the house made of female rain,
In the house made of pollen,
In the house made of grasshoppers,
Where the dark mist curtains the doorway,
The path to which is on the rainbow,
Where the zig-zag lightning stands on top,
Where the he-rain stands high on top,

Oh, male divinity!

With your moccasins of dark cloud, come to us.
With your leggings of dark cloud, come to us.
With your shirt of dark cloud, come to us.
With your headdress of dark cloud, come to us.
With your mind enveloped in dark cloud, come to us.

With the dark thunder above you,

come to us soaring.
With the shapen cloud at your feet,

come to us soaring.
With the far darkness made of the dark cloud
over your head, come to us soaring.
With the far darkness made of the male rain
over your head, come to us soaring.
With the far darkness made of the female rain
over your head, come to us soaring.
With the zig-zag lightning flung out on high
over your head, come to us soaring.
With the rainbow hanging high
over your head, come to us soaring.
With the far darkness made of the dark cloud
on the ends of your wings, come to us soaring.
With the darkness on the earth, come to us.

My feet restore for me.
My limbs restore for me.
My body restore for me.
My mind restore for me.
My voice restore for me.
Today, take out your spell for me.
Today, take away your spell for me.
Away from me you have taken it.
Far off from me it is taken.
Far off you have done it.

Happily I recover.
Happily my interior grows cool.
Happily my limbs regain their power.
Happily my head becomes cool.
Happily I hear again.
Happily I walk.
Impervious to pain, I walk.
Feeling light within, I walk.
With lively feelings, I walk....

Happily the old men will regard you.
Happily the old women will regard you.
Happily the young men will regard you.
Happily the young women will regard you.
Happily the boys will regard you.
Happily the girls will regard you.
Happily the children will regard you.
Happily the chiefs will regard you.
Happily, as they scatter in different directions,
they will regard you.
Happily, as they approach their homes,

they will regard you.
Happily may their roads home be on the trail of pollen.
Happily may they all get back.

In beauty I walk.
With beauty before me, I walk.
With beauty behind me, I walk.
With beauty below me, I walk.
With beauty above me, I walk.
With beauty all around me, I walk.
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.

Photo property of puravida@MORGUEFILE.COM


  1. Interesting. I love to soak up the values and the spiritual awareness of other cultures.

  2. Me too. :-)

    This one reminds me of the Prayer of St Francis for some reason.. I think it's the rhythm.

  3. very nice poem, the essence of it is very pleasing..

  4. Hi Shan

    Thanks for the comment. :-)

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  6. Very soothing prayer! I particularly like the original way of passing on wishes and blessings.

  7. What a beautiful and soothing prayer. Oh, Michelle .. thanks for linking this here, as I shall read it again.



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